22 February 2019

Guest Author on The Story Reading Ape

Meet Guest Author, Mae Leveson…

by The Story Reading Ape
Hi, my name is Mae Leveson, and I’m an author. This still sounds strange to my ears, as I’ve never actually introduced myself to anyone as a writer but, now that I’m a published author, I can no longer pretend that I’m writing just for myself – that I don’t care if anyone reads my […]

New post on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

18 February 2019

Amazon Review

I was delighted to receive my first Amazon review for Cradle on the Waves and it is such a lovely review that I thought that I would share it here:

5.0 out of 5 starsA place called home...
February 6, 2019 - Published on Amazon.com
Verified Purchase

03 February 2019

Green Gables In Winter

I walk up the snow-covered drive between the trees...I pass a couple of barns and see through a gap between them.

I round the corner of the house and find the front door, from which the land slopes gently downhill to a stream at the bottom.  I descend cautiously.

At the bottom of the slope, there is a bridge leading to the Haunted Wood Trail.

I walk onto the snow-covered footbridge with its rustic post and beam fence topped with an icing of snow, and I glance down at the frozen stream below. 

 Red berries stand out in striking contrast against bare winter shrubs.  There is absolute silence in this winter landscape.

I head back up the hill and take some photos before investigating another trail.  The Balsam Hollow Trail heads past the back of the house and through the trees to Lovers' Lane.

I pass trees dusted with powdered snow and a picnic area where the benches are frosted in white.  

I pause to take a photo looking back towards the house. 

I capture a snowy scene of long shadows cast by the trees with the sun low in the sky at this time of year.  The wind shakes the tree branches and large flakes of snow come down.  I pull my hood up to protect my face from the wind and decide it is time to head back to the car. 

Extract from Cradle on the Waves
Copyright: Mae Leveson 2019.  All rights reserved.